Make the BEST Dot Mandala Tools

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Dot Mandala Tools One secret to creating beautiful dot mandalas is having the right tools. I show you how to use a wooden pencil to create perfect dots in just about any size you’ll need. I also show you how to make your own stylus tools with ball-shaped ends, and a simple turntable using a thumbtack, straight pin or seed bead. Even better- these tools are either inexpensive to buy (or nearly free) and easy

The Perfect Gift for the Wine Enthusiast

hand painted wine glasses make the perfect gift

Gift giving can be difficult. Sure, some people have a knack for this, but gift selection has never been my strong point.  I lost count of all the times I’d find myself wandering aimlessly down the aisles of my favorite store, waiting for the perfect gift to jump off the shelf at me. Of course, that never happened. So in the end, I would walk out with something generic and impersonal. My go to gifts:  a pretty candle or a bottle of wine. Well, now