If you'd like to learn more about the method composting called Bokashi, and exactly how and why we've decided to give it a go, start here. If you are already on board and want to learn how to make an inexpensive, Do-It-Yourself Bokashi composting bucket, read on!

1. Collect your supplies:
(1) 5-gallon bucket
(1) lid for your bucket
(1) spigot (we used the plastic one we had removed from our kombucha vessel- when we swapped that out for a stainless steel one)
(1) piece of 12" x 12" wire mesh ( large enough to cover the top of your bucket); heavy duty screening or chicken wire should work too.
(3) 1.5" x 2" x 3" (approximate) wood blocks

2. Collect your tools
Electric drill and 3/4 " bit (may need to modify this dimension to fit the size needed for your actual spigot)
Wire cutters
Staple gun
Utility knife, Sandpaper or Metal File (for smoothing edges of hole)

3. Drill a 3/4 inch hole (or the correct size for your spigot) into the bucket, about 1" above the base; You want the hole to be as low as possible, while still being able to fit the gasket and nut that come with the spigot.
4. Sand or scrape the edge to smooth the hole if needed, then install the spigot.
5. Add about 2" of water to the bucket, then open and close the spigot to make sure it works properly and to check for leaks. Drain all the water.

6. Place your mesh over the bucket and use a marker to trace the circle of the rim onto the mesh. Using the wire cutters, cut out the traced circle.
7. Place the 3 wooden blocks on the bottom of the bucket, evenly spaced around the perimeter as shown.
8. Push the mesh into the bucket until it sits level with the base and fits snugly above the wood blocks, then add staple mesh on each block (~2 staples/block) to secure it in place.
Prepare or purchase your EM (Effective Microorganism) solution (find my DIY recipe here), gather your "brown" composting materials, and start composting!