If you are already a little familiar with kefir and the basic process for culturing your own kefir at home, read on! If not, you should probably start here where I provide a brief overview of the health benefits and simple steps to get started with small, daily batches. To learn about the benefits of Living Foods in general, start here: Living Foods
The first time I made my own kefir, I was hooked! The process was so easy, and other than the kefir grains (which I purchased on Amazon) I already had everything I needed: a slotted spoon and a glass mason jar. I probably could have continued that indefinitely if it wasn't for one, small problem: I always have to fiddle and find ways to make things better. I wanted my kefir to have a thicker consistency so I began to play with different techniques to reduce the liquid whey. The most effective way to produce thicker kefir is with an extremely simple process (explained here) that uses a coffee filter. I also discovered along the way that just by blending in a little vanilla extract and honey with an immersion blender I could transform my plain kefir into rich, creamy, magical elixir. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is really good! Suddenly my family, who was not all that into my drinkable kefir at first, started to eat this new and improved version so often that we were constantly running out.
Fast forward 2 months. I upgraded from one small jar to two, larger jars. That alone wasn't a big deal, except every morning I would follow a process that looked like this: I would begin by grabbing my previous day's phase 2 batch (i.e. the thickened kefir) from my refrigerator. My phase 2 setup consisted of 2 deep bowls stacked with mesh strainers and coffee filters. After 24 hours, most of the whey would end up in the bowl, and a thicker yogurt-like kefir would remain on top. I would pour the whey down the drain and peel away the filter from the thickened kefir curds, transferring them to a mixing bowl for blending (phase 3). I would wash and dry the bowls and strainers and set them up with new filters for the next batch. Then I'd grab my 2 jars of cultured kefir from the pantry and separate out the grains by pouring each jar through a small mesh strainer of kefir into a clean jar. I'd transfer the strained grains into 2 additional clean jars and add fresh milk to begin a new batch (phase 1). Then I'd pour the filtered kefir into the 2 prepared coffee filter stacks and place those in the refrigerator overnight. If that sounds complicated and messy- it was! My kitchen felt like a mini-kefir factory with jars and bowls and strainers everywhere. Each day I would have to wash a minimum of 6 jars and lids, 2 small bowls, a small strainer, 2 medium strainers, 2 medium bowls, 1 large bowl, and an immersion blender. Needless to say after weeks of doing this daily, it started to get a little old!
One day (I must have been extra tired and grouchy that morning), I finally decided I was ready to take a long break from the whole messy process! Problem was, I had read that kefir grains were delicate and needed to be treated like babies; that they are sensitive to temperature and need a fresh supply of milk daily. Some people claimed the grains could be stored in the refrigerator for a short time, as long as the milk was changed out fairly frequently (every few days). I also found a site that offered instructions on how to dry the grains out and freeze them for long term storage, but the outlook for success (successfully reviving them later) seemed pretty low. Neither of these options worked for me. I remember thinking, 'There's no way I am keeping a gallon of organic milk on hand just to feed these little monsters when they aren't making edible kefir!' I was standing near my sink that morning with a strainer full of grains, ready to dump the whole lot down the drain. Then it dawned on me, I had nothing to lose by doing a little experiment.
While my motivation stemmed from the need to simplify the process and reduce the time, effort and amount of dirty dishes, the BIGGEST negative for me was the level of commitment I thought it required. I thought that I couldn’t take a break from it. I was so worried that my "kefir babies" would just self destruct that I actually went so far as to drop my kefir babies at my friend’s house so she could take care of them while I was away on a weeklong vacation!
Well thankfully I have discovered that myths are positively untrue. I have taken breaks from my kefir making- this last time for 3 weeks- without having to dry and freeze my grains or even feed them on a regular basis. And, on the day I decided to start again, I had a delicious, creamy batch of kefir the very next day. I was SO happy to figure this process out that I had to share it.
- 1-1/2 to 2 cups kefir grains
- 1 gallon milk
- optional: vanilla extract and honey; also fruit and nuts or anything you like as a mix-in or topping!
- 1 gallon glass vessel (or larger)
- clean dish towel to use as a cover
- large mesh strainer (stainless steel)
- 2 deep bowls (big enough to hold strainer, tall enough to leave room for liquid below)
- quart size mason jar with lid
- measuring cup (I use scoop-type, dry measuring cups for this)
- large slotted spoon
- silicone spatula (a wooden spoon would work too, but a spatula is easier on the strainer)
- immersion blender

1. Place about 1.5 to 2 cups kefir grains in a gallon size (or larger) glass vessel.
If your grains have been refrigerated in milk for under 2 weeks, just pour all the contents in the jar- grains and storage milk included- into the vessel. If it's been in the refrigerator for longer than 2 weeks, be sure to strain out the grains, discarding the storage liquid first.

2. Add about 14 cups of cold, fresh milk (that's almost a full gallon, reserving about 2 cups in the jugs for the next day*) to the vessel and cover with a clean kitchen towel secured around the rim with a rubber band (you want to make sure your kefir can breathe). Drape another towel over the vessel to block out the light.
Note: It's not necessary to measure the milk. A gallon is 16 cups, so if you are starting with a full gallon just fill up the vessel until you have about 2 cups left. You'll need what's left to store the kefir grains tomorrow. Be sure to leave at least an inch or two of an air gap at the top of your vessel because the kefir mixture will expand overnight.

3. Allow kefir to culture for 24 hours, stirring at least once before going to bed at night, and once first thing in the morning.
See notes below to see how to know if the kefir is "done".

4. Stir kefir and grains in your vessel well. Then slowly pour the contents into a strainer that is set over a large bowl. As the strainer fills, stir it to help separate the kefir from the kefir grains. Continue until the vessel is empty, then transfer the grains from the strainer into a storage jar (I use a quart size mason jar).

5. Add enough milk to cover your grains and screw a tight fitting lid on your grain jar and cover your bowl with a lid or plastic wrap. Place the jar and bowl in the refrigerator. (You can skip ahead to step 8 if you want to eat your thick kefir right away, but I prefer to chill it first.)
A note about storing the kefir grains: Once all the grains are transferred, make sure the milk covers the grains. Remember the grains will expand a little as they sit so you'll want to leave some airspace on top, and check your grains periodically to make sure they don't dry out. I like to shake the jar every few days and will sometimes top off the milk if needed.

6. As a final step, I like to blend my kefir with vanilla and honey using my immersion blender. You can also try blending in frozen fruit and a sweetener like maple syrup or honey for a kefir smoothie, or filtering through a coffee filter to make a delicious kefir cream cheese.
Check out the coffee filter process here.

Sometimes I will divide the kefir into single-serving size, wide mouth mason jars that make it easy to grab and go later- all you need to do is top it with fresh cut fruit and nuts. Our favorite topping combinations include blueberries & almonds; strawberries, pecans & cacao nibs; or apples, walnuts & cinnamon. This kefir is also great for making overnight oats!

A note about the storage liquid: Depending on the length of time your grains were stored, the liquid you drain may be good to eat. I find that the storage milk from grains that have been refrigerated for just one week makes perfectly drinkable kefir. But, if it's been in there for 3 weeks it gets a little too cheesy for me, so I normally just toss it. It's probably perfectly safe to add to the vessel but there are so many variables (including the length of culturing time, the ratio of grains to milk and the refrigeration temperature) that it's really best to decide for yourself.
Click here for the modified process I use to get extra thick and creamy kefir.